Streusel Cupcake

February 11, 2010 § 6 Comments

I bought Martha Stewart’s Cupcakes a couple of weeks after it was released. I was really excited to try some of the recipes but only got around to it recently. The recipe I ended up choosing wasn’t one that I had flagged as “try first” because I was in the mood for a less sweet kind of cupcake, maybe something more fitting for breakfast. Actually, these really were more muffin like than cupcake like. But then, the way I see it, muffins are a type of cupcakes without frosting. Yes, any excuse to have cupcake for breakfast. That’s the benefit of being an adult and the ability to make up rules like that.

The batter was thicker than Ina Garten’s Blueberry Coffee Cake Muffin batter, which I used for my version of a blueberry streusel muffin. Both cakes have good texture, light and tender but I think I prefer Ina’s. Flavor was similar, not too sweet. Where Martha’s recipe goes awry, IMHO, is the streusel. The flour to butter ratio in her recipe is different than any streusel recipe I’ve made before. There’s about a 2:1 of flour to butter. I much prefer a more even ratio of flour to butter. The overall taste of the streusel lacked the butteriness that a good streusel should have. It just didn’t have that “oh, I want another one because these are so good” factor for me. Oh well, maybe the next recipe I try from the book will be more to my liking. I might also try Ina’s recipe without the blueberry next time (with streusel of course) to see if it is better as my mind thinks.

§ 6 Responses to Streusel Cupcake

  • sawyer says:

    i never thought of muffins being a cupcake before, but i guess they are quite similar if not the same haha. are you a big fan of martha stewart?

    • CAB says:

      Hey Sawyer! This one just seemed more muffin-like to me, probably because of the streusel.

      You know, I’ve never been a big fan of Martha, especially pre-incarcerated Martha. But I watched some of her shows when she was promoting this cookbook (when I was going through my cupcake phase) and a lot of the ones she made looked really good and different. Certainly has a lot of ideas in them.

  • sawyer says:

    looks like she did a lot of growing up in the can

    • CAB says:

      It seems like she did. Maybe also getting a little longer in the tooth has mellowed her out a bit too. Either way, the new Martha is a lot more tolerable. And “that’s a good thing.” (heehee, I crack myself up)

  • Ginger says:

    I just made these cupcakes today and, you’re spot on, the streusel is way too dry. I thought about adjusting it before I even mixed it together but I hate to “mess” with a recipe until I’ve tried the original. Next time I’ll cut way back on the flour.

    • CAB says:

      Hi Ginger and thanks for stopping by! I almost adjusted it too after mixing it together but decided to try it as is. I think cutting back the flour would be perfect since there is a whole lotta streusel in the original recipe.

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